Want to know what may cause erectile dysfunction in a 20 year old?
Erectile dysfunction is a sexual malfunction that prevents achieving or the maintenance of a proper erection in males during coitus. A proper erection is necessary to perform a joyful normal sexual intercourse.
Erectile dysfunction can be a disturbing condition not only in males, but also in their sexual partners. With an influence over aging couples, it is important to consider preventing measures for erectile dysfunction in men in their 20’s.
Almost 8 out of 100 adult men in different ages are suffering from erectile dysfunction. By understanding the potential etiological factors and adopting early lifestyle changes, erectile dysfunction can be prevented, and help couples maintain a healthy sexual relationship and overall mental and physical well-being.
In this article, we will understand the factors associated with erectile dysfunction, causes, reason for reasons for increased susceptibility of the disease in 20’s, symptoms and measures and treatments to prevent the condition.
Why men develop the problem? Discussing the potential cause of erectile dysfunction
A healthy erection is achieved with physiological action of our metabolic systems. Here is how a disruption in any of these systems results in an improper erection.
A harmonious action of metabolic pathways induced by the brain, neurons, hormones and vessels produces an erection. When any of these systems got disrupted by either reason, it disturbs the metabolic pathway thus results in failure of achieving a normal erection.
The condition is more prevalent in aging men. But with emerging problem of poor lifestyle males in their early 20’s are also susceptible to ED. In multiple cases the disease is physiological and can be reversed with overlooking the condition and making the lifestyle changes.
Suggested Read: Erectile Dysfunction at Age 50
How an increasing age becomes a risk for developing erectile dysfunction?
When a man ages, he becomes prone to erectile dysfunction. It is estimated that almost 70% of aged people are developing the signs of ED.
One of the reasons behind this prevalence is decreased metabolism and less blood supply to reproductive system, caused by various chronic diseases that are linked to an increasing age. Some of these chronic diseases include Diabetes, Hypertension and other metabolic disorders.
Other Common problems related to ED are poor lifestyle habits i.e. substance abuse like alcohol consumption and smoking and other behavioral factors like poor eating habits leading to obesity and lack of physical activity. These issues if not addressed properly can lead to organic ED.
On the other hand, the non-organic ED is caused by psychogenic factors affecting the men of all ages including the one in their 20’s.
Prevalence and Incidence of erectile dysfunction in 20’s
According to a reported research almost 8% of men are prevalent to erectile dysfunction and the incidence rate will increase if the problem is not addressed on public level.
What are the common causes of ED in 20’s?
There are multiple causes behind development of ED in 20’s. Some of the common causes include;
- Hypertension
- Obesity
- Early Diabetes (DM-1)
- Substance abuse (Alcoholism & drug addiction)
- Medication i.e. antidepressants
- Improper condom use
- Trauma to penile region causing associated problems like“Peyronie’s disease”
Other psychogenic factors like;
- Chronic depression
- Anxiety
- Sexual trauma
- Disturbed behavioral pattern like stress
- Lack of stimulation
- Unhealthy relationship with partner
How to detect the erectile dysfunction- discussing the symptoms?
The symptoms may vary according to the severity of disease. If a person is able to achieve a partial erection then it’s a mild condition. But, in severe cases the person is unable to achieve the erection completely leading to;
- Lack of confidence
- Mental stress
- Low self esteem
- Unhealthy spouse relationship
The symptoms however, may vary according to the underlying problem associated with the condition.
Are there any risk factors or complication associated with ED?
The answer is yes. The most usual risk factors developing the condition in 20’s are;
- Increased BMI
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Poor eating habits
- Smoking
- Alcohol or Drug Intake ( i.e. Common use of Cannabis by men in their 20’s)
In fact, if the condition develops and remains untreated may produce complications affecting the well-being of an individual resulting in:
- Unattainable sexual satisfaction
- Extreme stress leading to clinical depression
- Worsened ED associatedwith metabolic conditions
How to treat the ED?
The incidence rate of ED is increasing with the passage of time. But it can be fairly controlled and treated by various treatment methods. Some of the clinically proven methods include;
Healthy lifestyle changes:
Majority of cases are treated just by adopting a healthy lifestyle. The most common healthy practices include;
- Increased Physical activity
- Intake of a balanced diet including combination of complex grains, vegetables, fruits, salads and healthy protein.
- Cessation of alcohol or tobacco intake
Mental health support:
The non-organic ED caused by psychological factors need a special attention towards treating the mental health problems which may include;
- Psychotherapy sessions for depression, anxiety or past traumas
- Removing the stress related stimulus
- Relaxation techniques like Yoga to overcome tensions
- Couple counseling
- Addressing the issues like lack of sexual arousal
If the condition needs a proper medical attention, it is essential to consult a men’s health specialist. He will identify and evaluate the condition in detail and offer the most suitable choice of treatment either by medication or other related therapies.
Some of the acceptable choice of medicines for erectile dysfunction is Phosphodiesterase-5 also called as PED-5 Inhibitors that acts by enhancing blood flow to the penis. Some of the most common PDE-5 Inhibitors used are;
- Viagra
- Levitra
- Cialis
- Silvasta
- Vedafil
Hormonal therapy:
Poor lifestyle habits in 20’s are a leading cause of decreased testosterone levels in males. In that case the hormonal therapy with testosterone administered in the form of pills, needles, or topical skin patch help improve the condition.
Other methods of treatment:
The other methods of treatment include few non-surgical and surgical techniques:
Non-surgical interventions
Penis erection devices:
The device is also called as vacuum erection pump. As indicated from the name, it has a pump that produces vacuum when placed on the area of penis. Thus, it drives an increased blood flow leading to the erection.
It is named as Low-Intensity Extra corporeal Shockwave therapy which is an advanced and focused treatment. It is the latest and advanced method that helps men getting an erection and drives achievable outcomes. The treatment focuses on using the low intensity shockwave which enhances the blood flow to the area of penis without any pain and leading it to get erected
Penile Implant:
In severe cases of ED caused in early 20s, penile implants are used. The implants are placed at the region of penis after a surgical operation.
Are you able to cure the health concern of ED in 20’s?
Of course, if you are suffering from the condition of ED in 20’s. Then, there should be no of doubt that you will be able to overcome this issue. Just understand your problem and explore the most relevant option of treatment according to your needs.
Well! Do remember, ED is a treatable condition.
If you find out that the problem is negatively impacting your well-being; feel free to seek help from a specialist.
We MedAmor a men’s health clinic in Toronto offers erectile dysfunction treatment for 20 year old in Toronto.

Editorial Staff at MedAmor are specialists in men’s and women’s sexual performance excellence.